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Big Bug Creek Gold Paydirt
  • Big Bug Creek Gold Paydirt

    Big Bug Creek Paydirt is right from a rich historic placer deposit in the Brashaw mountains of Arizona. Very Similar to our Lynx Creek Paydirt. This is an unsearched 1-lb+ bag of Paydirt from an AZ hotspot. These are prepared in small artisanal batches using unsearched gold-bearing Paydirt from Arizona. This is unclassified

    to provide a real prospecting experience. Additionally, there is a minimum

    of 1.00 grams of gold added to guarantee a nice return! Because our Paydirt is unsearched there will be organic matter and we recommend filtering that out with a strainer if your water gets too dirty.


    **We encourage everyone to process the material several times to make sure you get all the fine gold that naturally is found at this site.**.

    We offer a 100% satisfaction guarantee on our product. Made in U.S.A. No Gimmicks No Bonanza BS! Guaranteed Gold. Paydirt will be dry and in a sealed Mylar bag.


    Vendetta Prospecting is a new reliable source of quality Paydirt with good ROIs from a local prospector in Arizona. Please message us with any questions. We can be found on YouTube as well.


    You can also choose to add additional gold to this bag.


    Big Bug Creek Challenges Include:

    Organic matter

    Black sands


    River rock and sands



    Vendetta difficulty level: 7/10


    Contains AT LEAST 1.0 grams of gold guaranteed!



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